A Liquid Cooled Robot Torch is a heavy-duty welding torch used in robotic welding applications. It operates by cooling the torch with a liquid cooling system that circulates a coolant around the torch to prevent overheating during the welding process.
One of the essential benefits of using a liquid-cooled robot torch is its ability to handle higher amperage and welding voltages than the air-cooled version. It is suitable for applications that involve heavy-duty welding processes, such as welding thick materials and high-speed production environments.
Liquid-cooled robot torches are used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing. They offer excellent performance in both manual and automated welding operations, allowing users to weld different types of materials such as steel, stainless steel, and aluminum, with high precision and accuracy.
To use a liquid-cooled robot torch effectively, one must ensure that the cooling system is operating correctly before welding. Regular maintenance procedures, such as cleaning and inspections, are necessary to ensure the torch's longevity and performance. Periodically replacing consumables such as welding tips, nozzles, and cooling fluids is also essential.
Some of the unique features of a liquid-cooled robot torch include a longer lifespan, high-welding performance in heavy-duty applications, and reduced downtime due to overheating. Popular models of liquid-cooled robot torches include the BW W500 Liquid Cooled Robot Welding Torch, BW 42W Liquid Cooled Robot Welding Torch, and BW 82W Robotic push-pull system.
BW W500
BW 42W